And now it is our greatest joy to introduce you to the little girl that has stolen her new mom and dad’s hearts and will be your new grandchild, or niece or cousin or friend (depending on who is reading this). We have been matched to an incredible 6 year old girl with beautiful big brown eyes and a smile that could melt the 4 feet of snow outside of our windows in a moment. She speaks with a precious accent that sounds like a mix of English, French and Hatian.
We prayed long and hard for God to make it exceedingly clear to us who he had chosen for us to bring home into our lives. The decision for us was not overly easy. Rather than being matched with a single child we were presented with multiple children and asked to pray for discernment about which child we were meant to adopt. All of the little girls we were presented with were adorable and precious and all in need of a mother who could present a wonderful example of a godly woman and care for their daughter like they had never been cared for, and also in need of a father who would show them the way men ought, or perhaps must, treat women and demonstrate the kind of protection and shelter that God offers us each day. It was terribly difficult deciding which little girl we would offer our hearts and home and lives, and which of the others we would have to simply pray would be adopted by a different loving family. And so we didn’t decide…… we let God do the choosing. After a few days of prayer God may it clear that exactly who our little girl would be.
Rachael and I are still praying about the name we will give her. We have been told the little ones often prefer their new moms and dads to give them a new name, one that represents that they are now no longer orphans but a child of ours and their name has been chosen by us just as the names of our boys were chosen by us. Right now we are leaning toward the name Zoey. We are still praying over it, but every time we see pictures of her smiling face she becomes more and more, Zoey, my little girl.
Zoey (as we will call her tentatively until we are sure of the name and we tell her of our intention to name her that), is sugar sweet and super shy. She is often in photos wrapped around someone’s leg or grinning shyly at the camera. However in the rare photos where she is surrounded by friends, you can see the pure joy pouring out of her. She seems to be rapidly learning the English language which as you can imagine will be a big help to her new mom and dad. Every day she gets a little older and every day her new mom and dad can’t wait to have her in our home so we can witness all of her joys and sorrows and live every moment of life with her.
We would love to talk more with all of you about our little girl and can’t wait for her to meet you all. It is such an amazing feeling to think God has had this little girl picked out for us long before she was born our either of us were even thought about by our parents. God has blessed us with such an amazing opportunity and stand in awe of what He is doing.